Friday, February 16, 2018

Quilter’s Planner - Block 1

This is my second year using the Quilter’s Planner and it actually holds me a little, not a lot, accountable for projects I’m working on. It’s bascially a franklin planner on steroids and I love it. There’s inspirational quotes and an online community of really creative users. I hope to get to a point where I finish more projects than add to the list one day. Am I the only one distracted by shiny new projects?  

I decided to do the BOM with other QP community members and am using my highly coveted VAN GOGH fabric! I’m obsessed with Van Gogh and visiting the actual museum ( is definitely on my bucket list.

A little learning curve with quarter half square triangles lining up (they didn’t) but I know what I need to do different next time. Practice makes perfect 🤪


Your local quilt shop most likely carries or can order the planner for you. Here’s the link to the QP site; you’ll want to bookmark it and check for updates to patterns and other fun goodies.  The Quilter’s Planner Site

Until the next block, “...these are the days that must happen to you” -Walt Whitman

Have a wonderful day!
@Bogeyinspired on Instagram

“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” -Vincent Van Gogh

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